(We originally posted this in 2019. You can read more of our original ideas in our archive.)

Problem: Sitting in a drive-thru is the worst experience!! Can’t I just order ahead on my phone, drive up, and pick up my order?

Solution: A physical restaurant (like FEBO in Amsterdam, check out the link if you’re not familiar) that allows you to grab heated food out of cubbies once you arrive at the restaurant location. It could be an app that is synced to the physical restaurant so that food cubbies can’t be unlocked unless you scan the right QR code or enter the correct pin. For easier and faster scaling, rather than trying to make a whole restaurant, the company could just take the “FEBO lockbox” concept and sell that to individual restaurants (this capitalizes on the “Doordash model” where an external company takes on the fixed cost and individual restaurants pay by use).

Monetization: Selling food and/or selling the contraption that allows restaurants to become more like American FEBOs!

Contributed by: Billion Dollar Startup Ideas

Robot Bar.

Artificial Peaberry.