Problem: Everyone sleeps differently, but it’s hard to figure out what conditions create the “best sleep” for you.

Solution: An integrated system of sleep devices that can turn your room into a “sleep-lab” or “legendary sleep location.” The company would sell watches that can track your sleep, blankets that can adjust in temperature throughout the night, lightbulbs that can turn on and off with different waking hues, meditative speakers to play music or sounds, sleep mattresses, and more. All of these devices would have live-sensors that work together every night to try and optimize your sleep cycle for the better. It would use machine learning to create the best tailored sleep environment for you. Casper (currently with a market cap of $250M, CSPR on the stock market) has dabbled in this quite a bit.

One example way that this could work is by having 2-weeks of “testing sleep” to adjust a variety of factors to see how individuals respond best, then a platform tailored to you based on these results. To sell the product, it could be a “sleep subscriptions service” that is free for the first 4 weeks (the first 2 weeks would be “sleep tests” and the next 2 weeks would be actual sleep use). Imagine the 1999 movie Smart House, but as a Smart Sleep suite of integrated sleep systems. Eventually, with data at scale, these metrics could be used to create a large sleep database that could be used for research.

Monetization: Subscription and/or sales of the actual product after the subscription.

Contributed by: Michael Bervell (Billion Dollar Startup Ideas)

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