Every Fall, Summer, and Winter “Billion Dollar Startup Ideas” hires interns to build ideas from the blog as MVPs, conduct industry research, and write their own blog posts. This blog post is an excerpt from that series.

Problem: When applying to colleges, students often struggle to understand what different colleges look for in an application essay. Admission officers from different universities have unique perspectives and criteria. This makes it challenging for students to tailor their essays appropriately. A universal grading standard does not exist concerning essays (while the SAT has a standard score for example). Generic online tools may not align with what specific colleges desire. For example, paperRater’s.com, Next Admit, and Dr. Ivy all have college essay graders that use AI to grade but they do not tailor it for each college.

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Solution: The solution is to create a website offering essay grading services from the perspective of admissions officers at various universities. This site will identify common traits and values among accepted students from different institutions, using this data to determine what colleges prioritize most. The website will provide AI-generated feedback based on an analysis of its extensive database. This feedback will help students understand how their essays align with the expectations and preferences of specific universities, ultimately improving their chances of acceptance.

Features of the Service:

  1. University-Specific Feedback: Students can select the universities they are applying to, and the site will provide feedback tailored to each unique criteria.

  2. Detailed Reports: Each essay will receive a comprehensive report highlighting its strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. The strengths will focus on how well the essay aligns with the college's values, the overall engagement and persuasiveness of the narrative, the cleanliness and clarity of the writing, and the presence of a unique, personal voice. On the other hand, weaknesses will address the lack of specificity in tailoring the essay to the target college, any structural issues that affect the flow and coherence, and the presence of surface-level content that lacks depth and detailed insights. This detailed feedback aims to help students refine their essays to better meet the expectations of their desired colleges.

  3. Scoring System: Essays will be graded on various metrics such as clarity, originality, coherence, and alignment with the college's values.

  4. Revision Suggestions: Concrete suggestions for improvement will be provided, allowing students to revise their essays effectively.


  1. Time Efficiency: Students can focus their efforts on revising their essays based on targeted feedback rather than generic advice.

Market Analysis:

The market for college application services is large. According to a report by IBIS World, the college and university admissions consulting industry was valued at approximately 2 billion dollars in 2020. Future Data Stats also predict that this market size will grow at a CAGR of 6 percent and by 2030, have a market size of $4.3 billion. This is because as college admissions get more competitive it drives the room for growth in specialized services like tailored essay feedback.

Target Demographics: 

  1. High School Students: Primarily juniors and seniors who are in the process of applying to colleges.

  2. Parents: Often willing to invest in consulting services to improve their children’s chances of getting into a top-tier college.

  3. International Students: Seeking to navigate the U.S. college application process and differentiate them from a global pool of applicants. 

  4. Non-Traditional Applicants: Including transfer students and adult learners, who may need additional support crafting their essays narrative.

Direct Competitors:

  1. Private Admissions Consultants: Offer personalized services but are very expensive.

  2. Online Platforms: Websites like CollegeVine and AdmitSee provide essay review services but lack the tailored touch of specific colleges.

Indirect Competitors:

  1. Test Preparation Companies: Companies like Kaplan and The Princeton Review offer admissions consulting as a part of their services.

  2. School Counselors: Provide free guidance but often lack the time and resources to offer in-depth essay feedback.

Monetization: Pay-Per-Review: Students can pay a one-time fee for each essay review. Premium Packages: Provide premium packages that include multiple reviews, and can offer a live consultation with a former college essay grader, plus access to webinars and workshops.

Contributed by: Param Saxena

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