(You can read more of our original ideas in our archive. You can order a business plan of this idea here.)

Problem: Teens and/or people who want to learn how to drive can only do so in-person. Now, more than ever, this is actually unsafe given the spread of COVID19.

Solution: Remote driving classes for teens and/or people who don’t know how to drive but want to learn how to drive. Many Departments of licensing have authorized driving schools to offer live web based classes (Defensive Driving School in Washington, for instance, has invested in this). Defensive Driving School described their mission remotely by writing:

If you've previously been contemplating when you might be able to fit a traffic safety class in during school breaks, family vacations and other conflicts, now could be a great time to do an online course while sheltering in place.

Students can begin a teen online class for a $200 deposit. The balance will be due when starting the driving portion of the course. At this time, we are not doing the driving lessons but we will communicate with students when we start up.

Eventually, I could imagine this type of business also teaching other “driving” skills such as how to captain/drive a boat, how to sail, how to pilot a plane, and more. Personally, I’ve used flight simulators in the past (at Alaska Airlines’ training facility) and have been shocked by just how realistic they can be (see this YouTube video for a description and video of how it works). Ideally the business could create a way for people to do these in-depth simulations at home via VR/AR and remotely from wherever they are.

Monetization: Selling the lessons for classes, instruction for these classes, and/or software that enable this learning.

Contributed by: Michael Bervell (Billion Dollar Startup Ideas)

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