Problem: Imagine a world where renting out your home on Airbnb doesn't involve the risks and uncertainties of hosting strangers. According to Airbnb’s Community Center, many people have expressed their concerns about the disrespect guests brought to their homes. Sam said, “...Unfortunately, the recent string of guests that I have had have been noisy, messy, and "care-free". I think this might have to do with Airbnb becoming more popular and attracting new users who are not aware of the community guidelines. …” What if there was a solution that allowed you to offer your space exclusively to friends or trusted acquaintances? This way it creates a more comfortable and personalized experience for both hosts and guests. 

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Solution: Introducing a revolutionary app that combines social media accounts with the convenience of travel planning. With this app, users can connect with their friends, distant relatives, and trusted acquaintances, expanding their connections and recommendations. Through an interactive map feature, users can locate friends in the areas they are visiting, and reach out to accommodate their needs. By encouraging social interaction and cultural exchange, this app enriches the travel experience, making it more flexible, convenient, and rewarding. As everyone mutually knows each other, guests have the reward of having a reduced price compared to renting a regular Airbnb. The platform prioritizes security and peace of mind, ensuring that homeowners feel confident about entrusting their homes to familiar people.

Contributed by: Meredith

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