(We originally posted this in 2020. You can read more of our original ideas in our archive. You can order a business plan of this idea here.)

Problem: When I’m on hold, I have nothing to do. Instead, I have to listen to horrible music. On the flip side, music companies need better ways to gauge the viability of new songs.

Solution: Company that creates “hold-music rating systems” that allows people to listen to snippets of upcoming songs while on hold for companies and rate the music they’ve listened to on a scale of 1-4 (using the dial pad on their phone). This gives large music companies massive datasets of public opinion before releasing songs to the general public. Eventually, this tactic could spread beyond hold music to any type of large-scale polling. Waiting on the phone for a Geico agent? Answer a brief poll about your opinions of Donald Trump using the dial pad.

Monetization: Aggregate these data sets/research and sell them/it. Follow similar business models to Nielsen or Gartner.

Contributed by: Billion Dollar Business Ideas

Love Retreats.

Concert Radio.