Problem: Obtaining a credit score that meets the eligibility criteria for mortgage applications has long been a hurdle for many aspiring homeowners. Building a solid credit history is essential, but the process can be slow and challenging especially for young adults who have just started building their score, leaving them with few options. The usual ways to build credit, like credit cards and loans, are not available for everyone, causing frustration and missed opportunities. 

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Solution: Enter Let’s Rent – an innovative app that is going to revolutionise the credit-building landscape. Let’s Rent is designed to empower users to elevate their credit scores by seamlessly integrating rent payments into the credit-building process. The app’s unique approach introduces a credit-building layer that paves the way for users to bolster their credit score while taking care of their housing expenses. 

Let’s Rent streamlines the credit-building journey by acting as an intermediary between tenants, landlords, and credit agencies. Here’s how it works: 

  1. Rent Payment Integration: Users opt to make their rent payments through the Let’s Rent app.

  2. Instant Loan Reimbursement: The app instantly facilitates a short-term loan from the company’s account to cover the rent payment. This loan is then paid off using the amount that has been transferred from the tenant as rent, therefore ensuring that there is no lingering debt on the tenant. 

  3. Credit Building Layer: The reimbursed loan creates a unique credit-building opportunity for the users. As the tenants consistently pays back these short-term ‘Loans’ alongside their rent their credit score gets positively impacted as these payments are reported to credit bureaus as loan payments. 

Let’s Rent addresses a significant gap in the market, offering a solution that works well with both tenants and landlords. For tenants, it provides a straightforward path to improve their credit scores, unlocking access to better financial opportunities. Landlords benefit from guaranteed rent payments and a reliable platform that enhances tenant relationships. 

Let’s Rent is more than just a rent payment app; it’s a transformative solution that empowers individuals to take control of their financial future. By seamlessly integrating rent payments and credit building, Let’s Rent offers a game changing approach to tackling the challenge of qualifying for mortgages. Let’s Rent is determined to redefine the way we think about credit scores and mortgage eligibility, making the dream of owning a home a reality for a wider range of individuals. 

Monetisation: 5% Transaction Fee + 10% Service Fee 

Contributed by: Parthiv Chowdary Anne (Billion Dollar Start-up Ideas Intern)

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