(You can read more of our original ideas in our archive. You can order a business plan of this idea here.)

Problem: Mailing list are becoming the next rising wave of media and journalism; however, there are no analytics platforms for mailing list services.

Solution: A company which creates analytics for mailing list platforms such as Substack (backed by Y combinator and raised a $15M series A), Squarespace Campaigns, Ghost, or Patreon. There are tons of articles about the rise of monetized podcasts and newsletters (what I like to call the “membership economy”), but there aren’t nearly as many resources for how to analyze all of the data that one gets from sending out these emails. There are ton’s of metrics to gauge a health mailing list (in fact Hubspot describes 8 of them) such as clickthrough rate, conversion rate, bounce rate, list growth rate, emailing sharing/forwarding rate, open rate, unsubscribe rate, and more. But, despite the knowledge of all of these metrics there isn’t a clear or centralized dash boarding platform to display all of this information: instead bloggers and newsletter/mailing list creators have to go out of their way to calculate. The business would create the analytics for these platforms and also provide premium subscribers with a dedicated representative to help them market and grow their list. The company could either integrate with existing newsletter services, or could allow users to upload existing statistics.

Monetization: Pay to access this analytics dashboard and platform.

Contributed by: Michael Bervell (Billion Dollar Startup Ideas)

C-Suite Roundtable.

Device School Bus.