(You can read more of our original ideas in our archive. You can order a business plan of this idea here.)

Problem: Working from home, there are not many options for fitness classes. Moreover, fitness classes don’t feel personalized to me. For instance, I often don’t have 1-hour of continuous free time to work out and gym subscriptions are too broad.

Solution: A platform that hosts $1/month micro-fitness classes. When quarantine first started, I noticed that tons of my friends would host localized Zoom calls with friends to do short workouts paired with socializing. A few that pop-up as significant in my mind include Abs with Jenny (which now has over 400 members that attend her daily workouts), Yoga with Jay (at Microsoft, she offered these to over 500 employees), and 6-minute 6-pack with me (offering these right before lunch for a few friends)! Jenny designed her program to just take 5 minutes per day, Jay’s program was 45 minutes once a week, and my program was just 6 minutes a day.

The business would allow anyone to set up a micro-fitness class: a fitness class that would only take about 5-10 minutes per day for people to participate in. They could create their own specific fitness program and enroll in multiple programs throughout the day to eventually create a list of many different fitness options and ideas to eventually create their daily fitness plan. The thought would be that people exercise for 60 minutes a day, but rather than doing it all at once, they would spread out this exercise throughout the day.

Monetization: $1/month per class that you enroll in.

Contributed by: Michael Bervell (Billion Dollar Startup Ideas)

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