Problem: There isn’t a mobile-friendly survey dating app.

Solution: Datamatch at Harvard began in 1994 as a project from the Harvard Computer Society (which I was business director of while in college!) Since launching, this survey-based pairing algorithm has grown across Harvard’s campus and other campuses. In 2020, nearly 40,000 students from 25+ universities took the survey to be paired with one another to find love. The questions on this survey are humorous, and fun to complete. The company would create a Tinder-like app where every day you are given 10 fun, new questions to answer: swipe up for A, right for B, down for C, or left for D and after completing this survey be presented with a list of people who are the “right match for you” based on personality. As you do the survey for more days in a row, our algorithm would be able to better match you with people to date.

Monetization: Use the survey’ as a form of A/B testing or product testing for companies (i.e. Coke, Coke Zero, Pepsi, or Pepsi Zero?) Brands would partner to buy a slot in one of the “10 questions of the day.”

Contributed by: Billion Dollar Startup Ideas

IoT Pacifier

Census Pulse