No Telemetry Devices.

Problem: Right now, if you want a device to be “invisible” the closest thing you can do is use VPNs or use a burner phone.

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Solution: A no telemetry smartphone which can be sold to governments for their employees to use for sensitive government-related data. Recently a clip of US Senator Josh Hawley went viral as he hosted a hearing about why all federal employees should ban their employees and service members from installing TikTok on their phones. The major concern is:

“More teenagers are on TikTok now than use Facebook… and it [TikTok] is required under law to share user data with Beijing… [this data includes] images that users post… information about messages, the apps that you use, the other apps on your phone” and more. Read about it here.

Regardless of where you fall on the issue of TikTok and international security, I think we can all agree that every technology company which creates apps collects telemetry and data from users’ devices. Often times, the data these apps collect are not even necessary for the central purpose of the app. The business would work to create “the most anonymous” no telemetry smartphones, laptops, and other devices that would have built in features block apps from collecting any data about users from their phones.

Monetization: Selling these devices, or selling whatever service is created to “blackbox” a device.

Contributed by: Michael Bervell (Billion Dollar Startup Ideas)

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