Sometimes Twitter has hidden gems. Today’s comes from Nick Gray. He wote simply,

business idea: next-day wedding photos

I hate going to weddings and we don't get the pro photos until weeks later

he time has passed. for a premium price, I wish the photographers would pull an all-nighter and get a dozen photos out next-day

then guests can easily share

This could probably also apply to other event types! However the real gem was in the replies…

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Some of those great replies:

  • HUGE HUGE - someone needs to start a wedding tik tok / social media business where they just produce short form content for the bride and groom. Huge huge money there

  • This could be perfectly outsourced to a time in the opposite timezone. No?

  • I hate to be that guy but AI could probably help with this too?

  • Seems like the trick would be having a photographer taking photos and offloading them to editors in real-time, like they do at sporting events. The best photographer might not be the best editor.

  • MX has the US beat here. Very common to have a photographer take pictures of the guest and bring them to your table 30 minutes after. Usually about $5 for decent prints.

All of these in isolation or in combination could be a phenomenal business. Think of it as a roll-up strategy for small, independent photographers into something more.

Contributed by: Michael Bervell (Billion Dollar Startup Ideas)

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