Problem: Writing a book is an extremely daunting task.

Solution: While searching online for books of poetry to read, I came across “The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump,” a collection of Trump’s Tweets curated by Robert Sears and packaged into a book form. This got me thinking: if you do one small thing everyday for 365 days (like writing a blog post or thinking of a new startup idea everyday), could you package this up and publish a book? Essentially that would boil down to writing 150-200 words every single day; then at the end of a year you would have a 50,000 page manuscript. Perhaps this would make an interesting business. It’d be extremely similar to serial writing which was popular in the 19th and 20th century. In short, the company would become a new form of book publishing to democratize publishing from “vetted authors” to anyone who can write just a little bit everyday.

Monetization: Royalties and/or other percentages of revenues generated from being a book publisher for the masses (subscriptions? donations? tangential product sales?).

Contributed by: Michael Bervell (Billion Dollar Startup Ideas)

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