This post is focused on amplifying the work of existing thinkers in the startup ecosystem. It also links back to previous posts on Billion Dollar Startup Ideas.

Written by Anne Lee Skates last week, “Social Strikes Back After Ads” was published by a16z last week. It featured 6 high-level monetization methods that go beyond advertising: I wanted to share it with our audience.

  1. VIP Subscriptions: “There are two avenues for this model: direct subscriptions to the platform or subscriptions to a specific creator (in which the platform takes a cut).”

  2. Commerce Tools and Platforms: “Incentives align when the creator is an expert in his or her particular product category: the platform takes a cut, the third-party brand makes a sale, the creator monetizes their expertise, and the consumer purchases products with higher confidence (and often, entertainment value).”

  3. Virtual Live Experiences: “These can take the form of “ticketed” shows, one-on-one interactions, or group meet-ups.”

  4. Interest-Based Paid Communities: “Users join these personal or professional communities in pursuit of intimacy and connection, while the platforms act as matchmakers, aggregating demand and connecting like-minded peers with top creators and experts”

  5. Digital Goods or In-App Currencies: “With this model, emerging social platforms can monetize without relying on creators or exclusive content.”

  6. Tipping, Donations, and Microtransactions: “Livestream tipping has become a $10 billion industry in China, where it’s popular on entertainment and ecommerce platforms such as Taobao Live, Douyin, and Kuaishou. There, top streamers can earn more than $16,000 USD a month in virtual gifts from fans.”

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