Problem: Farmers markets tend to have produce that is fresher, tastes better, and can even be cheaper than the usual grocery store. The food comes from local farms and the produce is in season. The United States Department of Agriculture even urges people to buy fruits and vegetables at farmers markets because of the numerous benefits. However, farmers markets may not be accessible to everyone that wants the fresher fruits and vegetables. Farmers markets tend to be only once a week, for a few hours, and many may not be able to make that time.

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Solution:  A delivery service but for fruits and vegetables from farms. The farms can post to the community the fruits and vegetables they have, the quantities they have available, and the prices they are selling it at. The people can choose how much of each thing they want and get it delivered.


  • A percentage of each transaction

  • The person pays a delivery cost

Contributed by: Yuval Krispin (Billion Dollar Startup Ideas)

Smart Farming

Ghost Greens