Problem: Farming is the root of human civilization. Before farming, humans were nomads, hunter-gatherers that were constantly on the move looking for food. That all changed once farming was discovered. Humans could stay in one spot and grow their crops for food. Farming is still one of the most important things we do as humans. Without farming, we lose our food source and we die. The problem is that the conditions for farming are now constantly changing. The soil health, the pH levels, the water levels, the humidity, the water quality, the sunlight amount, etc. all factor into the farming. This can be difficult to keep track of for farmers.

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Solution:  A program can be used to simplify the process of farming with all these factors. Farmers can use this program to maximize their output. This makes a farmer’s job much easier and will make it much more stable. It will also provide more crops and healthier crops for humans and animals.

According to the USDA, all agricultural related activities have a market of over a trillion dollars, a market that will appreciate efficient farming. The output of all farms is 164.7 billion, again a very large number, showing that farming is a large market. The large number of farmers would appreciate improving their farming habits and making their processes more efficient.


  • If the product is shaped like a consultation, then there could be a fee for each consultation meeting

  • One time fee like a product for the program

Contributed by: Satvik Prasanna (Billion Dollar Startup Ideas)

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