Problem: What might happen when computers can smell?

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Business Plan: Digital SmellScape

Executive Summary: With the advent of a groundbreaking development in neural network capabilities, we introduce "Digital SmellScape", a unique AI platform that can interpret and replicate human olfactory perceptions. By leveraging this new modality, businesses can expand their horizons into uncharted terrains of sensory technologies.


  1. Develop a sophisticated AI tool that can accurately predict the odor profile of different molecules.
  2. Offer this tool as a SaaS product to various industries such as food and beverage, perfumery, and entertainment.
  3. Create a digital library of smells for researchers, developers, and businesses.
  4. Explore potential applications in robotics, particularly in culinary industries.

Background: For the longest time, AI's primary interactions have been restricted to visual and auditory modalities. The emergence of an AI that can 'smell' adds a third dimension. This technology can be groundbreaking, particularly for industries that rely heavily on the human sense of smell.

Product: Our main offering is the Digital SmellScape platform. It’s based on a trained graph neural network (GNN) that can predict smell profiles from molecular structures.


  1. Prediction Engine: Input a molecular structure, and the platform will predict its odor profile.
  2. Principal Odor Map (POM): A visual representation of odor profiles, showing hierarchies and distances among odorants.
  3. Digital Smell Library: A comprehensive database of the odor profiles of various molecules, expanding beyond the initial 5,000 molecules.
  4. Integration API: Allow third-party applications and platforms to access our prediction engine and odor database.

Market Analysis: The primary industries that could benefit are:

  1. Food and Beverage: Tailor aromas to enhance the culinary experience.
  2. Perfumery: Rapid prototyping of new scents without the need for physical synthesis.
  3. Entertainment: Enhance VR and AR experiences with smell profiles.
  4. Research & Development: Scientists can predict and understand the odor profile of newly developed molecules.

Monetization Strategy:

  1. Subscription Model: Monthly or yearly access to the Digital SmellScape platform with tiered pricing for different usage levels.
  2. License to Robotics Companies: For integrating our platform into robot chefs or any other culinary robots.
  3. Pay-per-Query: For occasional users who need the service for specific molecules.
  4. Partnerships: Collaborate with perfume or food companies for customized olfactory predictions.

Operational Plan:

  1. Data Collection: Continuously expand our database beyond the initial 5,000 molecules.
  2. R&D: Regularly train our GNN with new data to improve prediction accuracy.
  3. Partnerships: Establish partnerships with universities and research institutions for data and potential applications.
  4. Marketing & Outreach: Target perfume and food and beverage companies, showcasing our platform's capabilities. Offer demos at industry-specific tradeshows.

Risks & Challenges:

  1. Data Accuracy: While the initial results are promising, further validation is required.
  2. Market Acceptance: As a new technology, there's a learning curve and potential skepticism. Demonstrations and pilot projects can mitigate this.
  3. Technical Issues: Continual software updates and maintenance are crucial.

Future Expansion:

  1. Integration with Other Sensory Modalities: Combine with AI platforms offering taste, sight, and sound predictions.
  2. Home Appliances: Integrate with home devices like ovens or refrigerators, to detect spoilage or ensure the optimal aroma of cooked food.
  3. Educational Tools: Offer educational kits to schools, teaching students about molecular structures and odors.

Conclusion: Digital SmellScape stands at the frontier of sensory AI technologies. As the first of its kind, it promises not just a novel product but an entirely new way of perceiving and understanding the world around us. With the right investments, partnerships, and market strategies, we can revolutionize numerous industries, making the world a more aromatic place.

Contributed by: Michael Bervell (Billion Dollar Startup Ideas) & ChatGPT

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