Problem: I recently read this tragic rollercoaster of a story about how a lightening strike and a fire completely eliminated this guy’s access to his personal identity. No working cell phone. No 2 factor authentication. No access to his password vault. No password USB. No paper copy of his written-down passwords. It all burned.

Probably the most interesting part of the post was this:

“I know… I know… I should have kept them in a lock-box in my local bank. The only problem is, virtually no banks offer safe deposit boxes in the UK. The one that does charges £240 per year. A small price to pay, for some, to avoid irreversible loss. But it adds up to a significant ongoing cost.”

Seems like a pretty easy problem to solve, eh?

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Contributed by: Michael Bervell (Billion Dollar Startup Ideas)

Kite Energy (unfinished)

Automated Solar Panel Cleaner