Problem: Renewable energy is all the rage. But what about the maintenance of the hardware that allows us to become renewable? One example is solar panels. Oftentimes, these panels will lose effectiveness over time because of dust or sand collection. I found this particularly inspiring story from Issahaku Walaman-i of Ashesi University in Ghana (one of the top 300 universities in the world).

In 2017, six years after moving to Berekuso, Ashesi started work to move portions of the university's power needs to solar. By the time Issahaku Walaman-i '22 enrolled at Ashesi as an Engineering student, the university had installed some 720 solar panels across roofs on campus. During his time on campus, Issahaku noticed that dust accumulated quickly on the university's solar panels during dry seasons. He dedicated his senior year project to build a device that could be deployed to clean solar panels automatically. Read more: ashe.si/3wQoDVs

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