Problem: Forecasting the future is based on the past: thus, it relies on the fundamental assumption that the future will be like (or at least relatively similar to) the past. In high stakes scenarios like finance or contingency planning, a bad forecast can be catastrophic.

Solution: I recently stumbled upon the work of Marcos López de Prado who is a huge proponent of the phenomenon called “Nowcasting” — rather than using forecasts based on data from the past, he proposes a model of using real-time data, testable theories, and specified strategies to achieve financial results. The business, really just an investment fund, would double-down on accelerating the world of financial technology in machine learning by building and optimizing a fund around Nowcasting and using creative ways to assess corporate earnings before the quarterly earnings report cycle. See below for Professor Parado’s Tweet where he explains the concept.

There are a few applications of Nowcasting which caught my eye and that I would like to call out here (you can find them in the PowerPoint slide from Parado’s talk “Advances in Financial Machine Learning“) :

  • Earthquakes are one example of the scientific application of nowcasting. Through early warning systems, scientists and seismologists can provide 1-2 minutes of warning before an earthquake hits due to real-time data collection.

  • Inflation: based on web-scraping millions of online prices every day, are much more accurate than the forecasts derived from convoluted econometric models

  • Liquidity conditions, based on millions of daily FIX messages from market participants

  • Earnings of retailers, based on satellite images of parking lot occupancy, email receipts, etc.

  • Industrial production, based on engineering datasets, cargo shipments, auto production numbers, electricity consumption, etc.

  • Best Buy experienced a large revenue increase in the 2019 holiday season, clearly outpacing Target. Measurable AI used e-mail receipts to report this information, months ahead of the regulatory filings for Q4 of 2019.

Many say that data is the new oil. I simply believe that data is information, and information is power. Nowcasting takes advantage of data to create strategic advantages in business.

Monetization: Fees and carry from the fund built on this model (this monetization model is used widely in Venture Capital, see more here).

Contributed by: Michael Bervell (Billion Dollar Startup Ideas)

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